How To reheat brisket while keep it from drying is all about using the right method. You can use three different methods instead of a microwave. This guide will teach three different techniques to reheat brisket and how to keep it from drying out.
However, when it comes to brisket, if not careful, it is very easy to dry the meat and after spending hours smoking the perfect brisket, come on, do you really want to dry it out?
There are various methods and techniques for reheating meat, and everyone has a take on reheating brisket, but the methods in this guide will yield good results.
Everything You Need To Know on Ways to Reheat Brisket
Avoid Using a Microwave!
Your microwave is a big magnet and emits frequencies that target the water molecules in food. The water in molecules vibrates, creating heat. But as we know, when water heats up, it evaporates and, in this case, becomes steam. That steam is moisture coming out of your brisket. 🙁
Microwaves can quickly warm up meat cuts like brisket but also dry it quickly. A shame I say! brisket is a cut of meat that is hard to keep moist in the first place.
We all enjoy juicy meat, and there is a reason we all have searched for better ways on how to reheat brisket. In this article, we go over accurate and proven methods on how to reheat brisket without drying it.
Using the Microwave to Reheat Brisket Pros & Cons – Not recommended
The point of spending hours smoking a brisket is to enjoy flavorful beer and juicy. By warming up the brisket in the microwave as a shortcut or quick way to reheat brisket, you will simply dry it.
Simply put, microwaves turn water molecules into steam, and well, those delicious juices that cover the brisket will turn into steam and evaporate if you reheat brisket using a microwave and not the method we discuss in this article.
Here are the Three Techniques to Reheat Brisket
It is important to always follow USDA internal meat temperature guidelines, which recommend reheating leftovers to an internal temperature of 165 degrees Fahrenheit.
Use Your Smoker to Reheat the Brisket
Using your smoker to reheat your brisket is easy and allows you to reheat the leftover brisket while adding a tad of flavor. Unlike the other methods in this article, your smoker reheats the brisket to add temperature, smoke, and flavor.
- Heat up your smoker or grill to 225 degrees Fahrenheit.
- Set up your smoker, so only indirect heat is reheating the brisket.
- Place the brisket in the smoker, wrapped in aluminum foil until the internal temperature reaches 155 degrees Fahrenheit.
- Still in the smoker, unwrapped the brisket and let it cook for about 10 minutes. The internal temperature should be close or at 160 to 165 degrees before serving. You can also let the brisket rest at room temperature before slicing it.
- This method adds flavor as the smoker will generate heat to warm up the brisket but also smoke.
- This is my favorite method because all the elements that make a good brisket are charcoal, wood, moisture, and smoke.
- You can cook other side dishes and add the same smoke flavor you used on the brisket.
- This method will take the most time. You will need to start and set up your smoker, get it to temperature, and then reheat the brisket.
- If you are reheating small pieces or small portions of brisket, this might be a lot to do.
Use Your Oven
Reheating brisket in the oven is easy and convenient because all you have to do is turn on your oven, set the temperature, and let the brisket come to temperature. The oven does not have a smoke box or wood chips to add flavor, but it is easy to reheat leftover brisket without drying it.
- Remove the brisket from its packaging and place it on a cookie baking sheet or large oven tray.
- Leave the brisket intact and do not slice it to reheat it.
- Please the brisket in the oven and preheat for 1 hour at 225 degrees Fahrenheit.
- Check brisket to make sure it has reached the desired internal temperature. Add more time if needed.
- Tip: You can place a few cubes of butter on the brisket to help keep it moist.
- Putting the brisket in the oven is easy enough, and anyone can do it. Warming up brisket in the oven is one of the fastest and easiest ways to reheat brisket.
- Your kitchen oven will generate ample heat to reheat your brisket, but it will not add any extra flavor. There is not smoke, wood chips, or anything that can be added to your oven to generate smoky flavor.
Use the Stove and a pot
The stove method is another easy way to reheat brisket. This method involves simmering water in a large pod using your stove. The brisket will be in a plastic bag or zip lock, and the hot water will bring the brisket to temperature.
- Find a large cooking pot and fill it up with water. Make sure this is a large pot capable of fitting plenty of water and the brisket without overflowing.
- Bring the water to a simmer.
- With the brisket in a sealed bag, put in the simmering water and set the water temperature to not 165 degrees.
- Keep the brisket in the water for about 1 hour and check the meat until the desired internal temperature is reached.
Reheating brisket using your stove is easy and accessible to just about anyone. This method makes reheating brisket simple since most of us have access to a stove and a big pot.
This method can take longer than others since you have to boil water, wait for the water to come to a boil before moving to the reheating process.
Immersion Circulator Reheating Method Also Known As the Sous Vide Method
The Sous Vide is a French phrase that means under vacuum but is also used to refer to a cooking method consisting of a water bath that is temperature controlled by an Immersion Circulator tool. These immersion circulators can heat up water to a set temperature very accurately. The accuracy of this device and how effective they are at keeping water at the right temperature make them a preferred tool in commercial kitchens, and you can use them at home too.
- Set immersion circulator to 185°F and let the water get to temperature.
- Place a sealed brisket in the water and lower the temperature to 165 degrees Farenheight.
- Reheat the brisket for about 75 minutes until the internal temp is reached.
Pro Tip: Per USDA: Foods should be reheated thoroughly to an internal temperature of 165°F. You can see our meat temperature chart here, which follows the USDA guidelines.
- This method is excellent for protecting leftover juices when you reheat meat since you can use vacuum sealed bags to preserve the meat. The Sous Vide method is used in restaurants and commercial kitchens.
- To reheat brisket using this method, you need a sous vide machine.
Here Are Some Items You’ll Need to Reheat Brisket Using These Methods:
Now that you have mastered how to reheat brisket, here are some items and supplies you will need to reheat brisket. The items will vary depending on the method you choose.
If you are using the Oven Method, You will need:
- Baking pan or cookie baking sheet. This is required to place the brisket safely in the oven.
- Optional, butter. Butter will help keep the brisket moist.
If you are using the stove method to reheat brisket:
- A big pot with water. You will need a container to hold about 20 ounces of water, depending on the size of the brisket.
- Zip loc bags will keep water from touching the brisket. Only thermodynamics will play a role in warming up the brisket.
If you choose the Sous Vide Method (Water Bath):
- Vacuum vacuum-sealed bag, a Zip Loc bag, or plastic wrap.
- an immersion circulator machine.
So after spending hours of smoking the perfect brisket know you know how to store and how to reach the brisket and get more days out of it and a juicy bite every time.
The big takeaway here is to not use the microwave as it will simply dry out the meat and ruin your brisket.
These methods might take more time but the reward is worth it. Sometimes good things come to those who wait and this is so true when it comes to smoking meats.